Pleased How Well this Worked for Us

We would like to say how pleased we were with how the assignment worked for our holiday.  Your website was very easy to use and the checklist you sent very thorough and ensured we didn't forget anything.  It's surprising how many things you do without thinking about them but need explaining to a stranger. We [...]

2021-11-10T17:59:57+00:00Reviews|0 Comments

Flood, Fire and Housesitters by Julie Fairbank

There is nothing worse than going away on business or on holiday and coming back to leaking pipes, slates off the roof and worse. I live in a flat where, on separate occasions, the two previous tenants upstairs have had a blocked cistern, and left the tap on in the kitchen. I had been in [...]

2020-08-10T13:20:42+01:00Latest News|0 Comments
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