The Big Plastic Elephant

Without first addressing our plastic addiction we cannot tackle the climate crisis.   We at House and Home Sitters advocate strongly against our ongoing societal plastic addiction, that Big Plastic Elephant ever-present in our room. We also support action against the toxic global greenhouse gas producers, having learned that plastic production accounts for 15% of such [...]

2024-09-18T12:36:53+01:00Latest News|0 Comments

Portable Bidets… and?

Ever wondered why our wastewater disposal costs more than our freshwater supplies from the water company?  Part of the reason is the average 50 lbs of toilet paper used per person each year. In the UK alone, that equates to an environmental cost of 91 billion gallons of water, 53,000 tons of bleach, and over [...]

2019-08-01T17:32:29+01:00Latest News|0 Comments
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