Did You Hug Your Hound or Cuddle a Cow Today?

It is well-known how animals affect our psyche. The benefits of swimming with dolphins or the positive effect horses may have on disabled or mentally impaired persons will be familiar examples for most of us. Similarly, during the lockdowns and our obligatory “house arrests” it has been reported the domestic pets found in more than [...]

2021-03-21T16:22:21+00:00Latest News|0 Comments

Golden Oldies to the Fore

Businesses are at last realising that silver can be turned into gold through strategic targeting of the evergrowing older consumer market. In every country, there are more and more elderly people comprising a percentage of the population. These baby boomers represent a valuable market with massive buying power, ignored at the peril of any enterprising [...]

2024-12-11T13:19:23+00:00Latest News|0 Comments
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